The Role of Cover Letters in the Digital Age

The Role of Cover Letters in the Digital Age

Introduction The cover letter is arguably one of the most frequently asked questions I encounter regarding resumes and job applications. I disagree with the notion that cover letters are unnecessary and are a relic of the past, despite what I’ve heard over the years. Yes, remove the dull copy-and-paste paragraph from your cover letter if…


Are you Adelaidean? And well aware of how insanely competitive the job market in Adelaide is? But Complaining about it is not going to put food on your table. Instead, what you can do is make an impressive professional cv and start your job hunt. but if you require help to make your cv look…

How Much Should I Pay Someone to Write a Resume?

Pay Someone to Write a Resume

A resume is a reflection of your academic and professional credibility. And a resume shows off all of the experience and all of the skills you have to potential employers. A resume should be good enough that the employers get attracted to you and show interest in hiring you. Your resume should be up to…